Monday, July 11, 2005

ER Notes

Mental notes made during my first visit to the ER on Father's Day:
While enduring the wait in the waiting room, I was unable to sit in the chairs. I found it less uncomfortable to put my knees in the seat of a chair and lean over the back, supporting myself with another chair. Since almost no other patients were in there I didn't care about how goofy this appeared.

I managed to peek up periodically at the TV screen before I was treated a few times. The US Open was on and I had to see that Tiger Woods was not going to win. I am proud that I was able to monitor the golf tourney in such circumstances.

A nurse that was passing through while my temp and blood pressure was being taken in the ER triage room looked at me briefly and said, "sounds like kidney stones to me." I remember thinking, "what do you know????"

In the midst of the greatest surge of pain, my RN, a male nurse, is trying to put in the IV. I am totally unable to be still. He misses twice, once left arm, then the right, before getting the IV started. This is maddening. Then he has to leave again to go get the meds.

The meds though are sweet relief. ER visit #2 not so tramatic, just chaotic.

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