Its been a long time. Perhaps I will try to get this going again.

Last night was the end of Tory's hockey season. In a double elimination season finale tourney, his team lost the first game 6-5 with the other team scoring final goal inside of 2 minutes left in the game. They then won next game 5-3 in an elimination match, and then lost last night 4-3 in overtime to be eliminated. In the game they won, Tory took a hard slap shot off an ankle that sent him to the bench and out of the game - it was late with less than 2 minutes left, and the game was still in doubt, the shot was from the opponent's best player, so Tory took one for the team.
He was on a pretty good team, with mostly unselfish players that worked Tory into the game equally as possible. I'd like to see him play with most of them again. He had a goal and 3 assists in regular season play, pretty good for playing almost entirely on defense.
Not only was I introduced to my new Townie 7 last
Friday afternoon (April 29 2005), but also came in
contact for the first time with the Bike Culture. It
might even be termed a religion. The believers were
there in black riding short pants and yellow and blue
jerseys, riding gloves, shoes, and other regalia. I am
not poking fun, but rather just observing, like a
visitor attending church for the first time. Everyone
was friendly, encouraging, and enthusiastic - the very
attributes you want in your apostles.
My trainer patiently helped me fit my helmet properly
as I clumsily fumbled with straps and clips, and went
over the rules of the road. He gave me realistic
advice on top of what is expected of bicyclists on the
street. I thank him for his help. To be honest, I
haven't worn a helmet much. I rode everywhere as a
teen and while attending college without it. But I
will abide by BikeTown's wishes and wear it
It was unusually hot, and I felt sorry for the band
(Texas Swing Demons!?) playing outside City Hall
Friday. They baked as well as cooked. The politicians
worked Lance Armstrong in to just about every other
paragraph of their speeches.
Sean thinks the bike, the Townie 7, is a nice bike and
probably a great ride, just too ugly for her tastes. I
disagree. The color is actually a bit better than
expected from Internet pictures, a darker grey. And it
is a nice comfy ride. I will have to learn to like
fenders. Tires would need to be changed for trails I
think as the tread appears mostly for street use.
Monday, March 13, 2005 – After some French toast for breakfast, we begin to get ready to leave for Taos. Samantha and I take some pictures of her with “Flat Stanley”, a foot high cut-out of a little man that Samantha’s cousin Ashley Kumler has asked Samantha to take and photograph in different places, in front of the hotel and in the breakfast area.
Eventually all is packed and we leave Clovis at about 10:30 a.m. on a very chilly morning. We begin to see ice on sides of telephone poles and signs along the highway. Turning north on Hwy 84 at Fort Sumner (the REAL burial site of Billy The Kid) snow begins to lightly fall. The plains have snow in more places, and we’re beginning to get excited about seeing the white stuff. Within a few miles more the snow outside is covering everything. As we progress toward Las Vegas NM the snow falls off and on, hard at times, and the drifts on the ground are getting higher and at times the road looks to be getting narrower.
Its about thirty or so miles out of Las Vegas that Samantha informs us she has an urgent need. Outside there is nothing but snow and its coming down pretty hard and steady. Tension begins to accumulate again. We attempt a stop, but to no avail and get back on road. Luckily, there is a gas station at a highway intersection about 4 miles outside of town. What a relief – we are able to joke about the situation at last.
Las Vegas is under about 6 –8 inches of snow. The roads are brown, ice filled mushy mud pits. We stop and eat at a Wendy’s, Sean eats at Arby’s nearby. I notice we look very much out of place in our tennis shoes and jeans, when a busload of teens and a few parents come in, dressed kind of the same way. Yes, they’re from Texas too, going skiing at nearby Sipapu Resort.
Seventy-six miles are all that’s left between Las Vegas and Taos. Piece of cake. Except that its snowing hard and its windy. It takes us about four and a half hours travel those 76 miles and I was white knuckled most of the way. We had to stop for about 15 minutes at one point because an truck rig had slid off the road coming the other way and was lodged against a guard rail. I get out and knock snow off tire well so that the accumulated ice does not rub on the tires. Many snow plows go by and we get to go on. The road narrows to one lane. All I try to do is keep the yellow strip under the van and the red lights of the car in front of us in front of us. FINALLY, we get to Taos and collapse in the Super 8 hotel.
Later we go to WalMart and get some boots / shoes suitable for slushy type walking, and get a general feel for Taos. Taos was completely bathed in thick snow. We learned later 14 inches of snow fell on the mountain that day. Sorry Dad, we didn’t see the gentleman with the cat riding the dog, but not much was moving around that day.
We had some big ole burritos at the Guadalajara Grill. Back to the hotel and to throw snowballs at each other.
Tuesday is moving day.
Tory deleted my comment to his post so I will repost it here where he cannot get to it.
I said he might have asked for a spelling guide as well. Before, I just thought his handwriting was bad, but now I know there's another reason why I can't read his homework. Smile Tory.
Tory could use some grips for his golf clubs. He's using some old Haig Ultras that I don't really know where they came from. He's got a decent Ping BullsEye putter. Maybe a bag too. The legs just broke on the one he was using. Or a new hockey stick?!
Here is Tory's post:
As everyone may or may not remember, my birthday is in about 2 weeks and I thought I might drop you a few gift ideas.
1. As I rapidly progress in my skills at guitar, a few items become necisary. I recently (with my own money GD) bought myself a Distortion pedal for my prized instument. I also am looking forward to owning a tuneing, wah, flanger, EQ, and possibly an acoustic simulator pedal. Just in case you would like to aid me on my quest, that would much appriciated.
2. Money.P.S. I have a ton of time to kill.
P.P.S. On the pedals, Check out a the Boss brand.
If I haven't mentioned this yet, (from an email to JK, with some edits)
Lucy, our cat, is not well since we got back from skiing. Renal failure indicated by recent blood work. Vet said he was surprised she wasn't already dead given her readings, about 5x higher than acceptable levels, said she must be made of stern stuff. She is struggling, but still eating, mostly resting tho. We have to force feed her water.
Lately she is showing some better signs. Sean will take her to vet this week for another blood test. Lucy is 18+ years, pretty good for a kitty.