Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkey Means Breaking A Few Eggs

What a "shock"! If you are going to eat turkey for Thanksgiving, you have to kill a few turkeys. Sarah Palin is interviewed in front of some turkey-farmer preparing a few birds for shipping and hilarity ensues.

My grandfather, who ran a dairy farm for years, raised calves for beef as well. One calf my brothers and I played with when we were kids and affectionately named Bruno. However, one dinner during a visit to my grandparents house my grandfather asked us if we recognized Bruno as he was being served for dinner. Forks collectively dropped and hit plates.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Limerick Day 14

I was enjoying some popcorn last night
When in the middle of one of my bites
A small piece of kernel
Caused problems eternal
Getting wedged between my pearly whites.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Limerick Day 13

This morning I awoke at 6:01
And considered going out and taking a run
My heart wasn't in it
Slept 50 more minutes
Jogging has never seemed that much fun.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Limerick Day 11

The razor sliced into my lip
From my chin, blood starts to drip
After thirty years
Nicks are real fears
My talent at shaving is zip

Monday, November 10, 2008

Starbucks Fun

Razor is having fun at Starbucks.

I will try the "Gretzky" alias my next trip.

Limericks Day 10

Who would think that at the end of the day
Fairly unique phrases don't get that much play
With all due respect
I personally object
Its a nightmare finding pleasing things to say.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Will Shortz on The Simpsons

Will Shortz and Merl Reagle will be on The Simpsons next week. I haven't been watching the new episodes for a long time but will check this one out. Reagle has constructed Simpson packed puzzles for next Sunday as well.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Limerick Day 6

What is the best way to go
Many of us really don't know
Inner peace is a snap
Visit Google Maps
And get from Pflugerville to Waco

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Limerick Day 5

The national election has closed
The ballot boxes disposed
Obama has won
(His experience be none)
Republicans collectively got hosed.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Limerick Day 4

A limerick a day is quite daunting
In my brain the task is haunting
I know that I'm not
Writing a lot
Its worthy ideas I am wanting.

A bit of a stretch. Writing about writing. But I don't have any mulligans.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Limerick Day 3

Gas prices are finally abating
Its something we've all been awaiting
A solution was needed
Cause our pressure receded
The car's tires simply needed inflating.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Limerick Day 2

In the Express checkout line I stand
With 10 items or less in hand
Ahead of me I see
A lady with twenty
Hey! "Go to the other lines," I demand!

I wish I could do this, but I never do.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Limerick Day 1

On the day after Halloween
Samantha will then be fourteen
A wonderful daughter
and joy to her father
Happy Birthday to the silly-ness queen.