Friday, August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin
As an added bonus, Sarah Palin will be groomed for the presidential job when McCain's run is over.
A very nice choice for veep.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ice, Ice baby
Here are the comments I left there ...
The straw is a key component as well. Potential drink stirrer, and it helps identify your glass from among similar drinks.Ice to drink ratio is dependent on 3 variables: the temperature of the drink being cooled, the size of the ice cubes, and the drink glass size. As an example - freshly brewed tea is hot, but I need a drink. I have a large glass. If my wife has made ice (we use trays) the ice will be small, a whole tray will be used, and the ice will melt almost completely away, and I'll have no more left to cool it down further. If I filled the ice tray the cubes will likely be twice the size and I will use half as much initially. After melting I will still have some ice left to cool the drink to the desired temp, and a much more pleasing drink, provided I use the right amount of sweetener.
I also recommend using a straw. You can put the end in the drink right next to or in between the ice cubes and the drink will be colder. Its also easier to drink ice tea from a straw while in the car.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Not much to do at this point except call the police and have the car repaired.The back passenger window was broken in. Once inside all doors can be unlocked and there is a trunk release just inside front driver door. It is ironic the very day I wax poetic about the neighbors not getting vandalized, we get hit instead.
I blame it on fake hurricane Eduordo. We got nothing here - except a serious allergy headache. If maybe some serious rain had blown in our car might've been left alone.
I told Evan to try Homer's strategy by claiming there was a Picasso in the back seat too.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Documentary recommendations
Bad Radio's host tends to like a bit of quirkiness in documentaries. I am not a big fan of SuperSize Me or any of Michael Moore's work. I tend to favor those films that are well edited, and are good humored. I don't like films that are out to make fun of the people they portray.
I'm thinking King Of Kong is next on the radar screen. Thanks Bob.
Our neighbors across the street had to take down an ash tree in their front yard. Instead of cutting the tree all the way to ground level, they decided to have some salmon cut out of the trunk. After leaving about 8 feet of trunk above ground, a chainsaw artist came and over 2 and a half days cut the fish out of the wood.
Every car passing by stops to take a look or take pictures. I hope it doesn't get vandalized.